MS. Indu Gupta,
Chief Post Master General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai- 600002.
Sub: Request for considering to arrange the
Induction Training to the visually impaired
Postal Assistant Candidates submitted
The Postal Assistants directly recruited in the year 2010, almost all, have been
given Induction Trainining. But it is stated that
the Visually impaired Postal Assistant Candidates selected in that Recruitment have not been given the Induction Training so
When our circle
union enquired this matter orally in circle office, it was
told that ` Separate study materials` to the visually Impaired candidates are finalized by the Postal Training Centre,
Mysore., and on receipt of those study
materials the `Induction Training to the
Visually impaired will be conducted.
But now we have to presume that there is no further move
on this subject from the following cited case.
Ms.V.Sumalatha, PA, Ramanathapuram Division, visually impaired candidate of Southern Region
was deputed to Induction Training to be commenced from
03-06-13 to 30-07-2013 at PTC Madurai along with other normal Candidates, but she was sent back immediately from the Training
Centre without admission for training on
the same grounds.
the Candidates like her may not be able to get
confirmation in normal period along with other normal candidates due to non-completion of `Induction Training` my Circle union requests the Chief PMG
to kindly
intervene in this matter and take necessary action for giving the `Induction Training` to the
candidates of
visually impaired at the earliest , preferably
from the coming session.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely
Circle secretary
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